My Home and Office in Jamaica Plain

Built in 1921, my house had an 80-year run as a small printing company.When I first saw this place in 2001, it was filled with printing presses, cutters, Trays and trays with old lead type... and lots of old cook books, calendars and business cards that people never picked up stacked on shelves.


When we pulled off the old paneling, we discovered beautiful horizontal wood-slat walls. It took days of sanding them with #0 steel wool and denatured alcholhol... but it was well worth it.


At 26' wide and 85' long, this single story building makes a great place to live and work. I have always had a soft spot for lofts and large live/work spaces, but never liked having to rely on the old freight elevators in most of the buildings housing lofts.


This being all on one floor with lots of windows and 11' ceilings, gave me the best of both worlds.


59 McBride St
Jamaica Plain MA 02130




Roy's Personal Website

Renovation Services

We offer a wide range of services to people wanting to change their physical space. Here are a few suggested ways we can help.

1/ krantzform renovation services... for ideas and cost estimating and/or overseeing the entire project.

2/ Need some help choosing appliances? Or deciding on a kitchen cabinet style? How about countertops?

3/ We'll help you find the right contractor... and an architect too if you need one.

4/ Invite us along when looking to buy a new house. We bring vision and imagination to help you recognize the potential of the house choices you've been looking at.


krantzform in Jamaica Plain, MA on Houzz
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